Leave Trawda Alone!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Leave Trawda Alone!

    Yes I know Love2Music got unfairly silenced but leave Trawda alone!

    All of you who got silenced got silenced for spamming.

    This is just like what happened to IwontEATcatPOOP


    She will be UNSILENCED IN 24 HOURS!


  2. I know and love Her too but some of you are overreacting
  3. She is right...
  4. Just leave it alone...
  5. Exactly. It was most likely a mistake. I might not agree with her getting silenced, but don't take it out on the mods. How do u even know which mod it was?
  6. I agree 100% with this thread
  7. Everyone is hating on Trawda
  8. Make us, look at how many people got silenced even me, we don't like him so you get over it
  9. Not everyone. Your not, I'm not... Just leave it alone. Everyone is going to get over it soon. It's not the end of the world...
  10. This reminds of that Chris Crocker guy on YouTube.



     just saying
  11. 
  12. @No heart soft
    Yea but it's ANNOYING
    This is the second time almost everyone complained about someone getting silenced and I never said everybody before I said SOME
  13. Aziza2
    I know you hate me. For some odd, annoying reason. She did her part and that was silencing love music. I'm not saying I agree to the silence ,but just let it goooooo.
  14. Really? Why should we leave trawda alone when he continues to abuse his power and unfairly silences people for just saying free music
  15. Everyone was spamming 
    And i dont hate you No heart soft
  16. Wtf? 
  17. that was hilarious that trawda got silenced as a mod