I’ve suggested this before but since then haven’t seen any changes as such I also would like to hear feedback from fellow community members about there being more equivalent leaderboards for party drops versus PvP. PvP leaderboards have been very inconsistent; sometimes they have an avatar, sometimes a 999, sometimes one or the other and sometimes nothing very great at all! There have never been any golden or silver crowns included but I think that should change. PvP leaderboards require a lot more DN use and in all honesty more work since hitting players can cause SFW, people can PT, and sometimes people don’t have much drops (PvP item) to obtain at all. You must search, lurk, showcase stalk, and be able to successfully land while also defending anyone who might try to snatch right before you make a combined item. Party leaderboards you must only hit parties and have the luxury of having CPs which make it fewer DNs and hits to get max drops (size dependent). Mostly everyone can flash and hit parties (with exception to super small stat). Therefore I feel strongly that PvP leaderboards should have the same rewards as party ones, if not even more. Summary: - PvP leaderboards should have crowns for t10 placers - PvP leaderboards should have a VIP avatar every time - PvP leaderboards should have 999 every time - Rewards for PvP LBs (which are few and far in between in the first place) are inconsistent and lackluster I hope that this can change for the future and I’d like to hear y’all’s thoughts!
Edit: I also feel strongly about this having experienced several PvP leaderboards all with different rewards. This was originally a PvP game so it doesn’t make any sense to have all these great consistent rewards for party drop leaderboards and not the same for PvP leaderboards when there hardly is any that happen each year!
This is the first time I’ve actually decided to even participate in the PvP portion of this game honestly, (I’m still new to it and I’m learning as I go) and I have to agree. I understand the algorithm changes and everything, but ultimately when it comes to the drops, it is so inconsistent. I have hit people who are smaller than me, got decent drops, hit people bigger and got little drops, and even hit people around my size and then get no drops. Make it make sense to me please 😪. Ultimately the rewards are utterly lame based on how much time and work it will take to stalk showcase and try to land and spend the dn’s to do it. PvP leaderboards should have an exclusive Avi that actually is good for PvP. I can’t say how it will be because the other leaderboard isn’t out yet, but if it’s the same stat item and same 999, then what is even the point? Edit: Atleast during the survival hunt the wall was actually different vs this one just being the same boring wall you get from the boxes. Still lame, but atleast it was a step forward before the step back. Atleast this leaderboard will be a good challenge, and not just who can flash most/hit less in a flash and spend less dn’s. Instead it will be about 1) Who saved more dn’s and 2) Who has spent more during the hunt, but there’s also the 3rd factor of actually being able to land your hits and know who you can hit and who you cannot. I don’t know, like I said I’m new to the whole PvP portion, I usually avoid it but I decided to try it for once.
I love hearing when people are trying out something new in the game! I hope you’re having fun so far. Yes figuring out who you can milk can be a bit tricky since it’s dependent on how their account is built and what range they fall in. (For example when I had 6-7bcs in tutor bonus my range was a lot higher I could hit higher stats than before I upgraded from 280mcs I could hit 300mcs+ and I was in their range. I couldn’t hit below 100mcs stat players. However, since getting rid of all of my tuts my range is as low as 40mcs). So in other words your range is dependent on how strong you are as well as your size. So that’s why figuring this out can be tricky, and sometimes ATA has to adjust some things since certain players can’t get any items or have any taken. As for there being a special avi I totally agree. I have 2 prior PvP Avis that were special to the PvP LB. This time around there is no avi which is rather disappointing and one of the major reasons I choose to not participate 😞
I definitely agree that leaderboards for pvp hunts should be the same as a regular leaderboard considering the time and effort players have to go to in order to get the pvp drops, while regular party drops are easy to get with flashes/ec clubs it’s not always as easy for pvp drops as it involves more effort in terms of finding people you can successfully land hits on etc so I completely get where you’re coming from and am here for this suggestion
Could not agree more. Pvp hunts do take a lot more effort as you mentioned lurking, finding people in range, using dns, getting into sfw etc. While hitting parties is easy all you do is tap tap tap and done. Especially with pvp hunts not happening as often either, they could make it more special. There’s normal hunt drops every hunt, whereas pvp ones are not as common. Therefore, the rewards should reflect that which would also encourage more people to try the pvp side of the game especially newer players. From what it sounds like the game was originally pvp based and that has diminished. It would be nice if they did do better rewards I mean even an avi would make it more special.
HaBaek made a really solid point that I would like to emphasize. I’m currently #14 on PvP lb and I haven’t hit a single person. I am #14 from flashing and hopping ec clubs and that’s it. It’s super unfair to all the people who are trying really hard in PvP, putting in the time, effort, and dns. I kind of feel like I’m cheating to be honest, and I don’t like it. Maybe you could change it so you get one item from parties that doesn’t combine, when you hit someone it turns into a second item and when you get like 300-500 of the second item it combines into a third item and counts towards lb? That way people can’t PvP lb just by hitting parties. It would be way more fair, although more work for ATA. And I would also like to agree that the rewards kind of suck for PvP this hunt. I also feel there should be a PvP lb exclusive avatar like with the forest monster hunt last year. I actually tried for that lb and got the avi because it was worth it. This one is not. The crowns for PvP top 10 is a great idea, in my opinion. Everything else gets crowns so why not PvP? And yes, we need more consistency. I know ATA likes experimenting but they’re doing it in the wrong direction by taking away rewards from lb instead of adding to them. HaBaek, thank you for starting this post. It’s definitely something that needs to be discussed and I appreciate you giving everyone a space for that 🥹🖤
I sincerely agree with all the words shared in this thread. I am someone "on both sides of the fence." I do party often in EC clubs and I also do participate in the PvP side of this platform. The rewards definitely do not equate the time and effort put in for doing PvP when compared to "fairy" rewards. Also, I feel even when rewarded an avi for PvP leaderboard IT SHOULD BE DIFFERENT! I don't need an avi in a different colour wave, but an avi [fitting the hunt theme] that is a fighter - not just covered in blood (that's lazy). In full agreement again with giving crowns out for PvP! There are crowns [silver and gold] in various leaderboards [EX and main] why not add them to PvP leaderboard?! This game continues to change and evolve, but seems to forget where it originally came from - NO PARTIES JUST PVP! Let's get back to basics ATA!
Additionally, being able to use a peace tag while excessively flashing and being able to climb the PvP leaderboard should be disabled. Like if a player has enabled a PT drops for the PvP should not happen via finishing a party. It isn't fair at all, and not only are they not participating THEY HAVE THR FUNCTION BLOCKED!
I am also new to the PVP LB. I've never went for it before, and, while im having fun with it, I agree that it's very disappointing to see the rewards just duplicated. It's an entire separate event/LB you would think there would be different rewards to go with it. Just makes all the work and dns and such that goes into it a bit lackluster when you think abt that part 😕
I completely agree, pvp events should be more thought out. I see no reason why someone should be placing on a pvp LB for just partying. Maybe they could add a mechanic where stealing the "container" transforms it though pvp and that is the item that indicates you placement? That way the items to steal can be still obtained from parties and ensures people aren't just hitting dead accounts to get ahead. I'd also like to see something revamped to the hit ranges. I'm 150mcs and can hit 30mcs players, which means I could just camp out someone less than half my stats and no amount of strategy on their part is going to give them a chance to retaliate, other than doing the same to someone half their stats. As for rewards I'd like to see a similar reward LB for pvp as there is for main story drops. Exclusive avis for t100, VIP version + 999 for t10, exclusive stat item for t500, crowns and other goodies, all of which being different from the main LB. If the hit ranges don't get adjusted, then I'd like to see maybe different LBs for different stat groups. At least with the main story drops if you don't get to the leaderboard you're still getting stats and items along the way that makes you want to participate. I don't expect that much to be put into pvp as well for an event, but making the rewards more accessible to a number of players is going to drive up participation, and maybe incite more people to give more feedback while the devs (hopefully) make changes for next time in consideration to what is shared.
I think it’s mostly just trying to ensure that there is enough participation in the event— which clearly there’s very little PvP participation since I hit 18 and haven’t been trying since I’m at 26 now and I’m essentially guaranteed t500 with little to no additional effort required. I also think they could just include can count next to avatars on the meet people tab/battle list to ensure that getting cans is faster and quicker that way and no dead accs can have hits wasted on them. Thank you for your input!
LB is a joke really. I mean, you're basically paying for LB items when it comes down to it. It's not geared towards casual players. If you want the LB items, you're gonna have to buy them by way of flashes (requiring DNs) opening boxes (requiring PIMKEYS), etcetera. PvP events the same. Gonna need DNs to keep constantly attacking players throughout the course of the event. It's always the same and for me, it's never really been worth spending a ton of money on. How much do these LB items really improve your life? Nobody I know in real life plays this game. The attention and opinion of a sea of unknowns here doesn't enrich my life at all. And that's all it really is. What more can you do with a bunch of prizes in the form of pixels? 🤷
And this is your opinion which is fair, but what does this add to the conversation about making the pvp lb more fair for those that do choose to participate? and like you said either way the players are having to spend money to get on either lb so why not make them equal? We aren’t here to shame people and how they choose to spend their own money
"We" is collective. No offense, but I'm an independent thinker. This isn't a game that requires any level of skill to play. It requires money. At the end of the day, ATA is running a business. They're going to do whatever they believe will pique the interest of their consumers to spend on hunts/events. Therefore, LB will never be "fair". If this game required any level of intellect to play, a lot of players would be dead in the water. But, it's just repeatedly tapping a button to hit parties and other players. I agree that PvP LB should have better rewards, but it doesn't. So, there's that. Maybe the DEVs will listen, maybe not. But if there's any changes made, guaranteed it's going to based around people spending.
Completely agree. The whole risk/reward ratio of pvp is so much lower than pve. Despite the mechanics being far more interesting and challenging, it also feels intentionally disincentivized to the cusp of obsolescence. Along with the hunt leaderboard, I feel strongly that one's combat record/stats should reflect the source or target of hits. The fights leaderboad should not be dominated by party fairies but by those who have actually dish out in pvp. I want to know the baddest b out there. Perhaps pve event rewards shouldn't reward advantages(items) usable in pvp? Maybe they can get purely aesthetic items, or items that deal more damage to party, And items usable in PvP can be reserved for those actually engaging in it and progressing on that path?