Le Trawda 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Kariiiiii (02), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Ahem.. So everyone is saying trawda is the worst Mod ever..? Why?  because he silences people for no apparent reason 

    Well wasn't trawda inactive for a while? Or a long time? 

    I say trawda should go back and read the ToU. Please?   Then come back and silence people for actually breaking ToU rules.

    Trawda...you're driving people nuts with all these silly silences  Everyone is ranting. Just read the ToU again.

    P.S. Pimders don't be so harsh on trawda.  I feel sorry for the lil mod :3 
  2.  I thought he was 12? 
  4. Ahem  I said

  5. I think YOU need to read the ToU... Trawda is not silencing against the ToU
  6.  Ok.....

     No I don't wanna read the ToU  Too lazy 

    I'd rather read a book then the ToU 
  7. I wish I could hit all these brown nosers just once 
  8.  Karina.
  9. Hes 13 by now i think
  10. 

    Name the PIMD mods puh-lease? I'm losing count. .-.

    And stop the trawda hate. We no need another L-D-V incident. =_=

    Well... Something similar to it. .-.
  11. Whos ldv and wat happened
  13. LDV was a mod who hated almost everyone

    He came back one day and abused his powers to a max since the devs wouldnt un mod him

    He eventually got what he wanted after like 3 days of abuse
  14. Holy bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

  15. Yeppp. I was there when the whole, "UNSILENCR ------" threads started. Twas lurking and LDV said they were silenced for a good reason. .-.

    Awww well.
  16. That was fun. I actually got him to silence a couple of people I didn't like

  17. Daammnnnn Oak... ._.

    Poor trawda... .-.
  18. Someone told Chloe to name the mods? Easy enough...

    Darkrose (somethin)
    Swordofjustice (saw a few recent posts)
    Royale (ex-mod)
    LDV (banned, ex-mod)
    Rusty (inactive)
