I’ve said some things that pissed some people off but this is serious now, bringing up Jake again. Seeing as how literally everyone is getting into sfw now over ridiculous stuff and seeing post from a certain place with screenshots. The center of this is Jake. MANY of you know what he does and want to get rid of him already because he’s either farmed you or a friend for nüdes. We need to get together, gather our evidence and take this to ata so we could finally get him banned. A lot of you might not care and try to get this locked or talk s*** to me about what I’ve done but the truth is. Jake is toxic af and bad for this game. We need someone to take over this little mission and collect proof, talk to people and get this no good pervėrt out of this game.
Whomstd even on gods planet are you to come and talk bad about Jake? Jake is a Samaritan. You young man/woman will treat him withst the umostds respect that a person couldst possibly giveth forth k