Lady killer

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by sherlockmysterydetective, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. A girl called amy was a serial killer she killed many men that she dated she killed them with poison
  2. What’s your point?
  3. You know you don’t need the lady in front of the word killer
  4. dont be a snitch.
  5. I think he was trying to draw us in by making us think his story would have carnal details, as suggested by the use of the commonly used phrase “lady killer.” I think he meant to surprise us when we discovered that he was, in fact, referring to a murderess.
  6. Does she take special requests?
  7. Well we meet again Moriarty
  8. Oh god he’s stuck in character
    Someone get the bucket.
  9. Also, the more interesting murderesses, such as Toni Jo Henry, did not use poison.
  10. ️elete this homie
  11. Well i just found an interesting murder story
  12. I kinda wanna know the story lol
  13. Im will starting writing it tomorrow
  14. ?
  15. Looking forward to it!
  16. Will the entire book be one long run-on sentence like the teaser was in this thread?
  17. Okie britney spears
  18. So are you his main?
  19. Where can I find this Moriarty? She sounds cool, i would very much like to meet her.