Ladies and Gents of pimd, does size really matter?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jun 14, 2022.


Does size really matter?

Poll closed Sep 14, 2022.
  1. It doesn't matter

  2. Yes it does matter the bigger the better da baddest

  1. As I sit here, arms heavy, weak knees, palms are sweaty, eating mom's spaghetti...
    I realize we live in a world where size matters.
    The bigger the better the badder.
    Places sell JUMBO deals
    Fast food joins some thick burgers...
    Cars getting bigger and bigger for no reason whatsoever.
    Y'all feel?
    So as I sit here playing pimd
    I ask myself
    Does size matter?
    You see, I'm here working on my misc right, tryna make it as big as possible
    But ladies and Gents.
    Does the size of your misc really matter?
    What's y'alls perspective on this?
    Y'all working on your misc, or nah!!
  2. Nahh depends how you wanna play the game.
    Get big
    Collect stuff
    LeeJarrett likes this.