Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KageBunshin, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. anyone here a fan of KARD/Pentagon/TXT? feel free to hmu. _-lengki-_ ign
  2. We can all see your ign already but ty for clarifying
  3. it's part of the post hahaha
  4. I like to txt my no friends but that’s about it
  5. I like girl groups. not boy groups tho.
  6. we're a complete opposite. i like BP, Loone, and Itzy tho, i just dont stan them.
  7. sounds boring.
  8. why?
  9. Shinee is the only good kpop group tho
  10. SUJU? EXO?
  11. Suju, yes. Not exo.
  13. just dun like their music. And their fans are insane. And there's too many members.
  14. idk. hard to find boy groups i like, i like big bang (not seungri bc fuck him) and i saw them live back in 2015 and i do like ikon.

    i just think that girl groups put out catchier music and their visuals as a group (and concept wise) tend to be more nice to look at.
  15. That's one thing I noticed about a lot of k-pop groups. Why are there so many members? If it was a band, I understand it being large. By why do you need like 5+ different singers?

    I've notice it with some Western groups too but not as often. It seems to be a really popular phenomenon and I don't see the point in it.
  16. i don't get it either. Ik there are some japanese girl groups with over 40+ members and they rotate the members over years so that it's always pre-teen to young teens in the group. It's like a temp job to prepare them for real show biz? But idk why kpop groups do it since they don’t do the whole graduation system thing, it's just a very overcrowded stage.
  17. the only reason why asian pop groups have so many members is for sub-units.

    Same with that japanese girl group (which btw has over a 100 members, although their reasoning is a bit different. They have a theatre and have girls preform live mini concerts EVERY DAY ALL YEAR ROUND)

    you pick a select few and make them sing a song. its better for them bc certain members can rest and other members can get a chance in the spotlight and gain more fans.
  18. ^ there's a lot more than just one japanese girl group that does it. The 2 i can name off the top of my head are akb48 and morning musume
  19. Who loone?