Some of you are making so much money that the Cash Won you see may be displayed as a negative number in some situations. Fear not though as this is only a visual issue caused by hitting the maximum value the App is able to show. We're going to fix this in a future App Update, but until that time you may see these negative numbers. You will continue to receive the proper payout, despite what is shown in Cash Won.
My payment went down I was making 600m a hit now I'm only making 200m I want my money so what's going on
Ya mine is a negative number but not the proper pay out, at least on eat it's not and that's the only one that it shows me a negative number on...
That happened to me on THREE flash cats, while using a care package. I wasn't getting the proper payout though. At all.
Funny how it's only seems to happen on Apple's phone, androids user haven't had a issue with that problem. ATA DEVS haven't put out the updated version yet for android. FYI Ata.