Knock Knock

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *stay_classy--- (01), Oct 19, 2012.

  1. My first story
    It was 8:42 p.m. and I was sitting at my computer braiding my long silky brown hair reading a article. "Copy cat killer helps role model escape from jail". My jaw drops as I see a picture of the killer James Ortiz. The killer who got to me when I was 16 years old. It is 6 years later and I still have nightmares. I pick up my phome and call my mom "Mom! James..he's back!! He swore to ger revenge for sending him to jail!!"
    Next thing you know I hear a loud bang in the kitchen. "MOM!!" i screech into the phone. "Stay call and call the 911 I'm on my way!" I dial the 9 and next thing you know I hear "Knock Knock I'm back". Next thing you whole world went black.
  2. KRIS UPDATE SOON OR ELSE! Thankz loved it girly  so like I said UPDATE
  3. B




    Bump, Kris, Bump!
  4. Okay, so I think your story is alright so far, I just have a few pointers.
    1.) Use LOTS of detail. Describe everything that's happening; make the reader be able to picture the scene vividly in their head.
    2.) Use paragraphs, please. It's easier to read.
    3.) Go a little slower; it feels like you're rushing. Relax. Let the suspense build up, and make the readers hooked on your story.
    Overall, not bad. ^.^ Bump!
  5. There is the update!


    I wake up thinking to myself "Where am I? How many days has it been?" I slide my hand down the cold metal table feeling for anything sharp. No luck. I feel my head and feel a sack over my head. I take it off to reveal a dark room with barley any light. There is a musky smell..gross. I slowly sit up looking for anyone. No one is there. I swing my legs around to the side of the table and get off. I walk to the door and rattle the door knob. Locked. I walk around looking at the walls. Just hoping for a escape route. Next thing the door knob rattles and it slowly opens. In the doorway is James...he says "Good you are awake."
  6. :O Update again soon!!
  7. BUMP!!!!!NOW!!!!!!
  8.  great story, just use paragraphs
  10. There is the update..its not that good because I was thinking about someone while I was writing it


    I fall back into the dark corner. My back hits the wall. I have been stripped of my clothes and the wall was freezing. I watched in horror while James inched toward me. He said "now to finish the job." "NO!! DON'T TOUCH ME!!" I screeched. He didn't slow down..he came at me faster. Once he came out of the shawdows you could see the knife in his left hand. I ran to another corner as James scowled. He turned towards me "The longer you play this little game..the more I will make it hurt!" Then I hear foot-steps coming from outside the opens. There stands James copy-cat. "I heard you have read about my work"
  11. You could put in some more details to make it more suspenseful of you want.. But the story itself is so exciting!! :eek: what's going to happen next?! BUMP again ;D
  13. Short Update..But I doing a double update


    I stare in fear as our eyes lock.

    I think "I know him..He's..uh..He's... ANDREW!! Yes..from my 7 grade class"

    James snaps at Andrew "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE OTHER ONE?!"

    Andrew says in fear "I tied her up-"

    A scream of fear rings my ears. "I know what scream" i think "that's.." i slide down the wall and bury my hands in my lap. "That's Angi.."
  14. Other half of's a turn


    James and Andrew laugh.

    "Well look who knows her little friends scream?" James teased.

    Tears start to fill my eyes. "You do understand that Angi don't go down without a fight?" I said trying to sound brave. "She holds out..just wait you will get what's coming to you."

    I look around "Can i get some clothes please..I do think I will be here for a while..I mean that is your plan..right?" I slide my fingers on the cold metal table while walking around it.

    I think to myself "I beat him once..I can beat them again. Let's just play a game this time."

    Andrew scurries out of the room and brings back my clothes..or what's left of it. I put on the big tshirt with holes now in it and shorts.

    I hear Angi's scream again but this time I twitch. "What do they want from her?" I think to myself.

    I walk to the dark corner. "So you guys are just gonna watch me?" I said with a sarcastic tone.

    Andrew runs out of the room leaving James there. "I will bring you your slop...I mean dinner at 10" James said with a edge on his tone.

    "Now don't be late I said..I'm just dieing of starvation" i said with a little giggle in my voice.

    James slammed the door and I heard to door's lock click. Just like that I was running around bare foot on the cold floor looking for a exit.

    When I hear a gunshot.