Kitty Cat Bar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaido, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Walled club president to say that I'm in sfw

    With an inactive second account

    If you check his gifts

    Keep going

    Oh, what do we have here

    So basically, 2 members got butthurt cause I was talking to someone else in club chat so they took all my tutors which lowered the money I was making in party.

    When I told the club president to do something about it she said "just keep hiring more tutors" so I was supposed to continuously hire tutors instead of partying

    Oh and one of the smartest members said "hit party first then hire tutors" because that means I get more money.

    Then they used a different account to wall club president saying I'm in sfw with them, whatever the hell that is, just as an excuse to kick me while taking my cat.

    Some nice banter to make your day/night more pleasant ?
  2. So you are saying they are the same person? The one that said you are in sfw and Princess Jasmine.
  3. LOOOOOL you are wrong, m8. Just saying.
  4. Even if they're not, he's still an alt account
  5. That is true.
  6. Get a Samsung...
    Problem solved.
    I'm happy to help :lol:
  7. That club has been a load of bullcrap since their inception  even back when they were pathetically trying to unlock cat, they had the nerve to discriminate who could and couldn't help them.
  9. So much ?
  10. Jones is like that best to ignore him
  11. All cc clubs have to go through some sort of drama to be considered a true cc club
  12. Some people are so butthurt over these petty things smh
  13. I wouldn't be precisely happy if they take my drop and find an excuse to kick me.
  14. There was no real excuse
    2 members started taking all my tuts
    Owner is a halfwit who wouldn't do anything about it because it was my fault for talking in club chat.. with someone else..
  15. This was meant for the club members who used alts
  16. So you're getting farmed because to were talking to someone in club chat? ?
  17. Apparently so. Maybe they weren't just talking, there were some arpee'ing going on behind the scenes.
  18. What is wrong with rp now

    Rp all day everyday! #NoJudge