kitteh-vision (talk show) episode #1

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by kittehwars, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Hello, and welcome to kitteh-vision.

    Today I invited an old friend:

    The invisible man!

    So, how you T.I.M?





    Um... It appear our guest has flakes out on us, so instead I invite Nikolai beronoski, the... Light guy...

    Nikolai: comrade, I know I promised to help you with this show, but I'm not drunk enough to work today. Also, I dropped the big light on the way down, sooooo...

    Me: get off the f***ing stage niki

    Ok, why don't we move on to the...

    Oh! The point of view section!

    This week I'll ramble on about:


    What's the point of boulevards! They're just roads and streets! In fact, what about avenues, or lanes?! They're also just streets and roads! I say we stick with streets and roads because otherwise, we'd be misleading the public by making them think a boulevard is something special!

    Now moving on to...

    Treats with Terry!

    Terry: hi, I'm terry! Kitteh's F***ING tourettes alter-ego! Today we'll make FART brownies! First you add a tablespoon of S***! then a cup of F***!
    Then crack open a D***! and that's how you make brownies!

    Thanks Terry!

    Well, thats the show! We hope to see you alive next time on...

  2. Is that Kitten??
  3. Who me uh.......*runs out*
  4. Yea you ! Cause if it is I didn't think anyone I played with is still on..
  5. Ohai:3 yeah im Kitten I quit and then I came back:3...but not to play...
  6. Ohh well its K....
  7. Errm. Wierd show. And Make "Chad" Talk!
  8. 