Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dbach, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. What?!?! Pimd is the only good game
  2. They need a pimd update
  3. U were first for?
  4. @soccer
    You're getting really annoying
  5. Y u mad bro
  6. And I was first
  7. Yep kaw has a update
  8. But not pimd
  9. Well yeah and and? Kaw players gave ideas or things they'd like to have in game so they got it if you have a idea email it and maybe the devs will add it to pimd
  10. Hey I do but it takes awhile
  11. soccer is cool dont diss her she hasnt done anything to you
  12. Ok :roll:
  13. Like there aren't six threads just like this.

    Kaw is a lot older than PIMD and has been ATA's flagship. An update will come. Just chill out.
  14. Agreed with neon. :cool:
  15. Plus PIMDS last update was pretty big.