Kanye West

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Oct 13, 2011.

  1. This is a short thing about him. Don't ask because it's incredibly odd on many levels.

    The night is like a curtain as Miranda gazes out the second story window at Paigina's playhouse. "Paigina! Your playhouse sure looks creepy," she shivers as she closes the blinds.
    "I know," Paigina calls from down the hall.

    2 hours later after watching the video Monsta---

    Tap tap goes something on the glass of the window. Leila gets up and walks over. Kanye West grins wickedly from outside. Leila screams and Miranda comes to her aid. "KAYNE WEST!!!? I wanna have your babies," Sarah screams. He climbs in the window extrocist style cackling.

    2 weeks later at school----
    "I can't believe he live in your club house," Addye mutters to Paigina. She goes red as Sarah rubs her pregnant stomach.

    (not a true story just my mid thinking to hard)
  2. Sal...0.0 your eyes weren't meant to see this
  3. Then why put it on the Internet?
  4.  "not a true story"
  5. I didnt know you'd see itXp

    And other person: I lied it ish
  6. 
  7. I see all 
  8. o_O

    -looks in closet-

    Omfg omfg
  9. Muahahahahahahahaha
  10. No no not a knife. Is that where my other shoe went?!
  11. -holds up shoe triumphantly-

  12. -takes shoe-

    Please exit the closet in a orderly fashion.
  13. Lmfao 