I am just wondering why they make the potd on some days hard parties that the little clubs can't finish them. I know they want to do different parties but can't they make like one of the easiest parties drop like let's say 20 items so at least the little players can have a chance? It's just a suggestion to help the smaller player not give up on the game.
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As harm said. Hell once you get keys you have a lucky chance just as much as us bigger players. How much more do you want? You are acting as if you will quit just bcuz you don't get things. If that is the case... Hate to say it but you ain't gonna last in pimd long. If you want items either find a better club that finishes parties and grow. Simple as that. Not everything should be handed to you on a silver platter. Js
Not saying give it to them but give them a way to work for it like finishing parties. I mean I probably could get to another club that finish the bigger parties but I am choosing to try to help the smaller players I not say here is a key u didn't work for it but give them a chance to be able to work for it instead of them not being able to get into a club bc they do meet the requirements I just saying give them a chance. Let them work so it by being able to finish a party that benefits them. Show them yes if you work for it u can get it that is why I said like 20.
It's not about making it "fairer" for noobs. Noobs shouldn't have more advantages than they already do. They're practically having the hunts handed to them lately. The annoying fact is that people will never satisfy their selfish needs. Play the game and earn your items like everyone else did or don't play at all.
Yes noobs should have to work for it not be hand things. What I am trying to get at is make them where they can work for it. Keep the potd where it drops however many it does but make one small party where it drop the just a few so the smaller play can still work on it instead of begging in wc(yes I know there would be still tons begging) just let them be able to work for the items instead just giving up on them
It doesn't take long to upgrade. These hunts last almost a week at a time. They can easily ug and work for it that way. Is every single person gonna be able to complete hunts or get items they want? Of course not. It's tough luck. Just keep whatever items you have and hope they bring the hunt back so you can try it again
I know most will not agree with how I see it. We all have opinions on things and I am standing for mind. So if u don't like what I am saying I am sorry but that is how I am seeing it. That noobs should be able to work for it but give them a chance to. Don't hand it to them. Stuff make it equal. Maybe we're they can work at it instead of giving up.
But this gives people a goal to upgrade for. I remember when i first started. You had no chance to get an avi if you were small. Literally zill. So we strived to become bigger so we could win avi. This is exactly the same except it's luck so you might get avi at small stats. Just be grateful you have what you have and use it as an incentive to get what you want by upgrading