I wanted some thoughts on maybe 1-2 new features on this game! I know it would be a big help because I just went through and open 400+ timer speed reward bags 🥲 I thought it be cool to have and "open multiple feature" to where you don't have to click multiple times to open the same box.. My finger starts to hurt after awhile! Please a multiple feed pet feature instead of having to wait till one pet is done eating 👉🏻👈🏻 these are just my thoughts and opinions -Have a wonderful day! 🌙🖤
These suggestions have been made before and responses concerning why they wouldn't work, too. Please use the search function next time so as not to create duplicate threads. Requesting lock 🔒
Lol it will work in some capacity maybe not the same as koh but ATA can make a way for us to open a few speed up bags at a time, but yes this topic has been brought up constantly and a thread created multiple times about it, like one player said all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope ATA does it, as far as pet feeding I doubt they'll do that tho but it would be nice nonetheless just wishful thinking
1st one been suggested 46736297484273 times. Can almost garuntee ata will be working on it. Heckfire has it so dont see why it cant be added here. They seem to be testing it with the buddy boxes. They also have tested multiple capsules/timer boxes opening. Was around for 1 hunt. Had to buy extra spaces. Nothing more has come from it tho so maybe the test was a fail