Just Curious

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by 420_Budsmoke_420, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. I have played this game for some time, but I have been wondering lately. WHO STARTED IT AND WHEN DID CHIBIS AND BENTOS BECOME IN GAME CURRENCY FOR PLAYERS??? Am I the only one who has questioned this before?!?! Like real money it only became valuable because people decided it was valuable.LETS TALK ABOUT IT
    -NA2- likes this.
  2. They became currency only about a year after release.
    At first, they were very expensive. It was rumoured to only be available for a short time.

    The first bento sold for about the equivalent of
    120🍱, today.

    When people realized they were to be permanent, they quickly dropped in value and became a mainstay.

    The main reason it became currency is that there are certain conditions that a currency must meet and it fulfills them.
    1) They are produced at a slow and steady rate, from the spinner, and are super abundant.
    2) They can be grouped into larger packets (bentos)

    They were commonly traded, and even before they were widely accepted as currency, I and other traders, were using chibis and bentos as a way of expressing items' relative values.

    If someome wanted to trade an hourglass for a compound bow, we'd point out that one was worth 20c and the other was worth 1🍱.
    And that a 2:1 trade would be necessary or another 20c of value, added.

    With enough people talking like that and a steep increase in the amount of items in the game
    - meaning that the probability of two people having what each other wants, goes down -
    lead to many taking chibis and bentos in lieu of what they'd otherwise be trading for.
    And boom, those are 4 conditions that lead to chibis and bentos becoming currency.
    -NA2-, Jace and Victoria like this.