Just a warning out there

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -Wally-, May 6, 2019.

  1. Just a warning, since moderators claim this wasn't against TOS, but if someone goes around saying they're giving out a "free giveaway", and demand you sign up via providing them information on another platform (ie on Discord, Youtube comments, etc), don't do it.

    Also ATA should really get on this stuff /have a way to report inbox/ have some level of policy against scammers, especially ones demanding outside interaction, such as other social media, the addition of money via paypal for trade, etc. Dodgey asf that this is seen as nbd.
  2. I don't trust giveaways, sorry man. I don't play the lottery either tho.
  3. Sounds like common sense but sure and sorry for your loss :<
  4. I never do them. They always ask you to send them something for it and I'm always silenced so that won't work ?
  5. Ones that demand outside interaction are against the rules. Feel free to report those as long as the mention of 3rd party apps happens in a public channel. Also, the exchange of in-game items for forms of real world currency are against the rules and will result in expulsion of the accounts involved. Report those directly to ATA.

  6. So of course this dude was going through inbox (i have screenshots), but he was dumb enough to have a video up on his Youtube channel, Kingbane. He clearly requires people to subscribe to the channel AND post their ign in the comments, which publicly links them to a youtube/gmail account.

    Id like to make it clear i was initially told that I just had to wall him to enter, so thats all I did. There was no "loss" on my end as I immediately called him out on it. He then basically demanded my discord information and told me hed be sending his friends to me to have a discussion about it later, lmao.

    Ive had moderators not even bother to look at things I've reported before. I made a previous thread on this and the person closed it without a care tbh. Ive also noticed whoever judges cases just kinda barely glances at it most of the time, and often when i contact someone directly they give me a response entirely unrelated to the issue and close the ticket before I can clarify or respond. Thats why this game is so rampant with scammers. I hope ATA starts taking some level of responsibility.
    Queen-of-Diamonds likes this.
  7. Good luck to you. They are bad with help tickets sometimes and just quickly scan it. They once told me my silence was valid... When I wasn't even silenced. I was asking for a friend. ?

    I have noticed a very recognizable scammer saying "the first 5 people to send Chibis will receive a bento from my main." Okay so I realize it was stupid but I'm not an idiot and I knew it was a scammer and I wanted to make sure. Besides, a chibi doesn't bother me. But it's the fact that this person would create alts daily and scam new or desperate players. They pretend to used their strong alts as real people, claiming it's legit.
    They should have mod like applications specifically for looking for scammers. Just an idea.
    Queen-of-Diamonds likes this.
  8. Nice warning...however I just wanna clarify that what previous person said, if it isn't in public places we cannot take any actions. Also if we (mods) don't see it ourselves it's gonna be hard for us to help as well, even though we try our best to keep this a friendly environment. (Remember to not call out people in public, no matter how frustrating the situation is. That would get you silenced for public defamation because we don't want potential lies to spread).

    What people do in pm we cannot take responsiblity for, because it is private message for a reason. Therefore players need to be cautious and remember that not everyone out there is as friendly as yourself.
    If your gut feeling says it is fishy business, you might wanna think twice before acting.

    Last of all, you can always send a ticket to ATA and they can take further action if they consider it's needed.

    Play safe ?
  9. If they demand outside entry from a 3rd party app that should’ve been a red flag right there, just saying.
  10. I bet you respond to emails from Nigerian princes too huh
  11. Op days they didn't at first- just to wall then. That's when they demanded outside info. It also seems like op did not give it to them either.
  12. Oh. Then ig
    sadly, the victims agreed/believed to the scammer's terms (even if they're bs) and ig there's not much ATA can do cause of this. Adding mods to fight specifically against them might cause more problems cause some might get falsely accused by scammers themselves or the system's gonna get abused :[ but idk
  14. I don’t see the part where op was unable to just block the person and keep it moving
  15. Of course warnings are great but op just essentially got what I’d call a spam email and entertained it. You don’t have to do everything someone tells you to, it seems like a obvious run around.
  16. Op did not listen to the scammer.
  17. Still…red flags
  18. ^I think op wanted proof in hope tht the scammer would suffer the consequences and lessen da victims ig?
  19. I think there’s a guide on internet safety somewhere, so something is indeed in place to help people avoid being bamboozeled.
  20. That moment when you simply warn people about something, and everyone in the forums has to act as if i sent this person money.

    I simply mentioned that paypal scams are also popular cause ive seen them in fueni trades. Im not saying i participated.

    The guy simply said it was a giveaway, and all you had to do was wall him. I did that. He added me, so i thought id see what he had to say. Thats when he brought up the channel. Immediately I called him out.

    No need to take bits and pieces for whatever "thatll show them" fantasy youre trying to turn this into. Im just warning the community that this is going on. Thats all.