Anyone ever had a family memeber you were close to suddenly leave, block your from email, social media, phone etc for no reason? I'm coping with this, my grandpa married a girl and suddenly his biological family doesnt matter to him. He has some of his grandchildren, the ones who live close to him, contact info but not mine. Literally the worse feeling because my whole life up until 6 months ago he was a big role. Then suddenly he is gone and refuses to have contact with me because his wife doesnt like me. Anyways just a post for the hell of it.
when people get married, they have their own lives and family to worry about. extended and blood family doesn't play as big of a role, especially if their spouse doesn't like you. it's called life. they could've gone about it better but what can you do.
You're 100% right, but just because ehe got married doesnt mean to play house with her family only. He has cut ties with most of HIS KIDS. Just been a difficult situation.
Not quite this exactly but similar ? some people just act that way when someone new comes along. Considering it’s your grandparent I would think they’d be older/mature enough not to do such a thing buuuut it happened, just don’t create a situation where you/your family seems pushy for him to stop because that will only drive him away further
We never pushed him. When he married her we supported it even though we didnt like his wife because of things she said about his family. We were all there for his wedding and gave gifts. We all loved him because he was happy.
Unfortunately sometimes it just do be like that ?♂️ if he wants to forget your family and focus on his new one, that sucks but his choice. Just try to support him if ever he comes back
doubt he will be back. Sadly, I have come to terms with it. Just makes me sad how he has done this to family who loved him no matter what
Man, I’ve seen this stuff happen with my cousin who is as close of a sister that I have and her dad got married and pretty much dropped her from his life bc of his wife. That shît hurt seeing her hurt like that. Sorry op,
This hit home. I literally realized this about a week ago. For myself. I felt silly when I remembered that I have a whole bunch of people who love me. I haven’t been okay with myself so I’m the one that distanced myself
I know I am loved by many more family and friends. I definitely dont feel unloved. Just feel hurt and sad. Deep down I know he is probably hurting because of the decision they made.
It’s totally fine to feel that way in yourself, doesn’t make you wrong for it at all, just know that those thoughts don’t necessarily become true either
Not everyone can be as loving as others, if he doesn’t want to be around his family, who love him endlessly, it’s his own loss when he later has nowhere to turn