Just a suggestion

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by YourChaoticPsycho, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Hi PIMD community!

    I’m Jen and I just wanted to share my input on an idea that I have been thinking about for awhile now and I know it sounds silly and stupid, and probably make me look like an idiot.

    But my suggestion is that one person creates a club for bbb / mini bbb since some clubs (not saying all) aren’t available. So I suggest we create a club so that it can easily be accessible without any complications. I have noticed people are always looking for clubs they can use for solos and or bbb. So if we create one unified club, it will be much easier

    I know what I just said makes me look like an idiot and I feel like one. But it was an idea that I have been thinking about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion (freedom of speech), so feel free to post your opinion! I would love to see what everyone thinks!

    Stay safe PIMD community!

    P.S: My confidence level went from high (before posting) all the way down to low (after posting). Once again, share your thoughts on this! I would love to hear them!
  2. They easy enuf to find. Just ask campus. Ata aint gonna sit in a dead club waiting for people to come for 10mins then be gone again
  3. Conflict is multiple people needing that one club at the same time. Someone would have to be the schedule/gatekeeper for all hosts. It seems too improbable for only one club to serve this purpose.

    Maybe if a group of hosts who frequently host bbb’s could help unlock cat cafe and pizza pop together so I can be used for such parties, and a single alt that the password and everything is shared between them so they can use it whenever.
  4. I agree with you! Maybe instead of just one club that serves only for that purpose, maybe we can open up 3-4 clubs for solos, flashes, bbb / mini bbb so that it won’t be a conflict of schedule!
  5. I also of people just open their own clubs. I've done it before cause it's easier than transferring ownership sometimes or waiting to be invited and get a role that allows you to start parties and manage the club. Plus opening only cat 200m

    Of course you'll have to unlock if you are gonna solo. I have friends that will lend me their clubs if needed which is great but some people might want to rent it out for payment which is one of several reasons why we haven't seen communal ones pop up
  6. Acc sharing is against tou and people that do it get banned
    Muschi, Maddi_Matsu and Kefo like this.
  7. Yes, creating a club is only 200m but would it really be necessary to create a club every time someone hosts an event? Also, like you said people charge to rent out their clubs. Is it really worth it to pay to use a club for 10-15 minutes (bbb / mini bbb / flashes)? Even tho friends are willing to lend you a club free of charge, others won’t even tho you’re friends.
  8. These events happen more often than you think!!
  9. Most people who are hosting bbb/flashes all have their own clubs that they use already.

    I'm guilty of opening a club for something and then just disbanding it when I'm done. I don't think it's really a big need is all.

    I think maybe you just need a club of your own that if you want to lend out you can.
  10. I honestly don’t think this is a bad idea! However I feel like not all hosts would seek this help out, but having the option is definitely a nice idea.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. There are enough solo clubs held by alts on pimd for this.

    The vacant clubs have been made and exist. The reason that this is not happening lies somewhere further up the line.
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  12. As I’m reading through the replies, I can see where you guys are coming from. Like I said, I look like an idiot right now lol
  13. My guess would be that they go inactive
  14. Naw you don't look dumb. I think if people were more active and were keener to host, they'd be doing this and it would be fair to assume that there are similarly enthused people in the community.
    Muschi likes this.
  15. I quite like the place you're coming from, although I do agree with some of the logistics issues brought up here. Both unlocking a club and hosting a BBB/FCC and even a war can be a lot of work. War clubs are easier to just pay and disband afterwards, cuz you don't need to fret about unlocking parties.

    I'm not sure how many of the people that have hosting clubs rent it out personally though, and I'm not sure what the costs would be for it. I do know rent costs spike up during promos.

    I think overall more clubs may be available that you don't necessarily see people advertising because it's more of a, you-seek-them-out rather than them posting ads in campus that their club is for rent if that makes sense? I only ever recall seeing ads for clubs for rent is during promos. But those clubs still exist when promos aren't happening so it's more on the player's end of things to seek out someone that is holding a rentable club.

    Which can be maybe difficult if you post in campus and it isn't caught by one of the renters. Landlords, if you will. 🤐

    Idk, definitely a fresh topic that we haven't discussed in forums before. And it was a nicely written post too. I don't want you feeling stupid over it because it is still a good idea at its core imo
    YourChaoticPsycho likes this.
  16. Don't feel stupid for having an idea.
    Perhaps you can find a few people who share similar intentions with you, create a club then unlock the necessary parties, and have an alt hold onto it. Then you all can use it whenever you need to. If you find like-minded people, it shouldn't be too hard to open a club. If you're worried about one person having ownership of the club, create a few and do unlock events for each club then divvy them out. It'll be time consuming and without a solid group, it will be hard to unlock all the parties, but it isn't impossible.
    A lot of people will come to help if you offer incentives such as chibis or some cat parties afterward, or if POTD happens to be one of the parties you're unlocking.
    I'd loan out my club but I can't be bothered unlocking parties so it just holds alts. Others might have the same mentality so if you create a little group to get it done together, it might encourage more people to host. Who knows.
    Again, don't feel stupid for sharing an idea. Replies are enabled so we can all build and expand on each other's thoughts and to give suggestions of our own.
    YourChaoticPsycho likes this.