
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Xp3rTxSoldier (01), Oct 6, 2011.

  1. Attetion
    Josethe... Has become a big problem on campus. Any complaits, write on here. Whats gonna be done about him!?
  2. The Devs are trying to do something about his "Hacked" Iphone/pod.

    At least that is what I have been informed.
  3. Jose has been here for 3 nights now. No I'm not happy about it at all, and yes the developers have been contacted and are currently working on the situation, we're trying to stop him as quickly as possible. I am sorry for the trouble, please bare with me I'm about as peeved off as most of you are.
  4. I'm gonna laugh if they find out that he just has a shit load of iPods and/or iPhones 
  5. He doesn't, that's already been clarified.
  6. I support jose its funny seeing people mad and makin mods job harder his like some 1 standing up for all injustice scilences
  7. X what is wrong with you man?
  8. Jose Mourinho.. Jose Mourinho.. Jose Mourinho