Join _Warrior's Helpers (Not A Club)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Oct 9, 2011.

  1. It's a voluntary job. Do you want to help the communtity?

    Help the community by reporting any silencable act to a mod or in the mods pal group and answer questions.

    There areany Helpers I can't remember all

    _Jenny127 (Leaving pimd)

    Few more I can't remember.

    All interested applicants can feel free to pm/wall _Warrior or me

    No trolling here

    The last of the epic's,
    _Warrior's First Official Helper
  2. Why u has last of epic's?


  3. ...Who?! who's the last of the epic's!!
  4. I want to but I heard that you have to have _ in front of your name to be it and I can't change my name I don't have enough credits/doctors notes/gems(I forgot which one) to change my name
  5. It's not a must azarah. You're welcome to join us

    I have a guide in strategy section about a effiecient way to earn credits.
  6. Lmao I'm Aziza2  And I'll go and check out your thread
  7. I'L HELP



    ~_I'm so Awsome=.=
  8. Can people not help the mods without having to be a complete buttclingon? Sorry Isaac, I love you and all but warrior's helpers? Anyone can report tou violations by screencapping and sending the shot to the mods contact room in pal. They don't need to become a wannabe wannabe mod to do it. No offence to warrior, if he wants to be a mod then great but a fan club? Whaaaat?
  9. You can count me in
  10. I can't join. Because I'm not a mod wannabe idiot. So wish I was. But I wasn't dropped on my head as a baby by my mom. Wish I could be a idiot mod wannabe like warrior. One day. One day.
  11. Sophie lost her ability to talk 
  12. Nice signature 
  13. Hmm.......


    (On Forums since Dec. 24 ) ;)
  14. I quit being _Warrior's helper, I'm not wanted lollollol
  15. We don't help to be "mod"
    I dont wanna be one anyways :roll:
  16. It's not a "fan club" casp
  17. Sophie I heard from this bird

    That you call yourself the Grandmother of forums? :eek:

    Enlighten me pls :3

  18. Nope still on that Noob phase I see.....

    Tragic D:

    Then I guess.

    I shall be.

    The Godfather of them o:
