Discussion in 'Strategy' started by II-ScorpionQueen-II, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Is there a strategy to be able to succeed in doing jobs without failing soooo much? I fail at doing jobs way more than I succeed. It's frustrating!!!!
  2. Patience.

    We all fail.
  3. Upgrade more then completing more jobs. Do the same jobs over and over instead of completing more jobs.
  4. Jobs really aren’t worth doing after you join a club. Parties pay substantially more with better rewards. Jobs are pretty for brand new players.
  5. Jobs are worth doing the 1st time round coz they give a fùck load on dn all up. Ive got about 70dn from jobs so far and im not even half done
  6. Also back then (even not long ago) jobs were good for ec farming. Used to have a random drop chance on all jobs