jesus freaks r cool

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *countrygurl13 (01), Oct 14, 2011.

  1. Country people are annoying :roll:
  2. Black people are cool.
  3. Let Jesus come upon you in streams of mercy.
  4. Be embraced by the power of JEZ-US
  5. I love Jesus amen!!
    And I'm red neck and country Ty
  6. Bunanza, so what if we are rednecks? Lol actually that's what my friends and I have called ourselves for years! What makes us so annoying, may I inquire of you?
  7. I live in North Carolina.

    I hate it here T.YI live in North Carolina.

    I hate it here T.Y
  8. I love black ppl

    Shoot I'm a black person myself
  9. We ain't got any damn rednecks up 'ere in sweet ol' Alabam.... I mean Canada.
  10. But I'm not racist
    I love latinos,asians,white ppl etc .
    I only dislike ppl if they are rude,stuck up,annoying,fake or you complain about ur weight or looks but u don't try to do anything about it
  11. Oh so e of my family live in Canada
    They love in Quebec

    That's all I can say bcuz of those stalkers ....
  12. Really
    Some of my family love in Canada
    They live mostly in Quebec
    I can't say no more bcuz of those stalkers among us....

    My family is French ,Canadian French ,haitian and Dominican
    But my family and I are mostly haitian

    (even though I was born in America )

  13.  sorry I pressed cancel on da first one but it still went through
  14. Of course he does