
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Justtired, Mar 15, 2019.

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  1. Lol dude idc about your fantasies..idc if you want to date Alicia or satoshi. Who am I to judge your preferences?? I just find it a bit disturbing that an underaged boy wants to date a 50 year old man but whatever. Also, Alicia is a bad choice...
  2. Post from your main maybe? Your drama would get more traction
  3. Why wouldn’t you wanna date a 50 yo tho. Dat experience..
  4. Jaco, alicia or satoshi... pls stop making alt and post stupid thread :( or i'll call sherlockholmes to expose you all :cool: this is a serious crime...
  5. This thread is stupid because it's about them and they're stupid
    I'm not any one of them, don't insult me.
  6. This is probably the most childish worded comment ever
  7. Am I the 50 year old man here? Or is it Alicia?
  8. Asking the real questions
  9. I don't even know them LOL
  10. DoNt iNSulT mE
  11. Imagine making an alt to fabricate drama against yourself to stay relevant 
  12. Wtf. Is everyone playing the "blame Jacob as every alt" game again? All these alts come from a group chat on Line. Literally, every alt that comes to forums to start drama is the same group of people and all of you "adults" are acting like you don't know it's them.
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