Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *oOoOAshleyOoOo (01), Oct 14, 2011.

  1.  HAPOY BURFDAY IVY!!!

    WOW!! HUZZAH...shush!

     anyhoot, happy BURFDAY! Drink all the Haterade and or beer 
  2. Happy burfday ivy
  3. Mmm...haterade *megusta*
  4. Happy barfday
  5. It's not my BURFDAY actually  but thanks 
  6. ._. Damn.
    Note to self:
    Don't believe what Ivy says in Campus
  7. I had cake fir you Ivy...but oh well

    -gobbles cake- OM NOM NOM NOM!! 
  8. For*

    ._. Wow my spelling tonight is horrid.
  9. Happybrithday