it's too late to go home

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by miranda_12, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. This is a story about a girl who goes into a coma and gets trapped in her dreams and she don't know what they mean but she soon figures out that she can't wake up and she has to try her best to wake up or her mom is going to pull the plugs so she is fighting like crazy to wake up.
    Chapter 1: how it happened

    I wake up and my mom hollers for me to come down stairs "raelynn could you come here" I'm coming! I go down stairs. What is it ? "I'm getting ready to go to the store do you wanna come with me?" Sure just let me get dressed "ok take your time no need to rush" I go up to my room to get ready then I go back down stairs. I'm ready "ok well let's go" we get into the car and then when we are about 20 minutes down the road I see a big truck come around the corner and all of a sudden every thing goes black.
    Tell me if you enjoyed the first chapter  I will be posting the second chapter shortly! I hope you enjoyed
  2. Love it xx
  3. Bump
    Continue it is awesome
  4. Chapter 2: a new beginning

    I wake up in the hospital I'm not sure what is going on. I try to talk to the doctor but he can't hear me for some reason. I see my dad and my aunt in the waiting room. My dad is crying I'm not sure why though. At this point I'm really scared. I'm not sure what to do. I try to scream as loud as I can but still they can't hear me. I walk around the hospital for a little while, then I see my mom on the hospital bed with a breathing tube in her neck. I think that it's just a dream so I try to wake up but then I realize I'm not sleeping... The I go to this place and I see something.. I see my mom in a casket and I'm at a funeral and every one is crying and then it's like I leave or something because I'm in the hospital again.
    That's it for chapter two. Please tell me in the comments if it's good or not ? I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will do chapter 3 as soon as possible!!!