Its time

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Mar 7, 2022.

  1. To say goodbye. I habe decided that the end of the week will be my last day. Could be just a break from the game or it could be goodbye forever.

    Theres nothing here for me anymore. My pms are dry as fuck coz no one talks to me. Nothing i wanna collect. Nothing to do. Like yehh getting all the dino stays would be cool but its not enough to motivate me to do anything.

    Im not giving anything away coz for just incase this is only a break. Dont wanna go thru the rage quit shit again coz i thort i was gonna leave forever but didnt and ended up being pissedi gave everything away.

    If this is goodbye forever i just wanna say cheers to all yous who still talk to me sometims even after all the bulshit i did over the years.
    Cheers to all you fuckers that have made forums interesting over the years. Been lots of fun games n shit.

    Idk how to finish this so ye ✌
    Campus, Seriously and Lite like this.
  2. If you wanna follow my music which im getting back into hit me up and i will pm you the link. Idc either way. Up to you
  3. Until we meet again Dino bb 🤍
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  4. Bye dino dude! You were fun. We'll miss you
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  5. May your future endeavors blossom and spread into a glorious path of success dino. Although we don't know each other well I'll give nothing but good energy and vibes for you bb!
    Lite and DinosAreTheOldestCars like this.
  6. Good luck 😴
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.