It's Ravyn. Not Pham

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wife, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. The title is completely irrelevant.

    Moving on....

    Firstly: I'm bored=I make pointless thread:D

    Secondly: I need advice.....I've asked my mom to take me to a psychiatrist, because I have reasons to believe I'm bipolar ._.
    But she said no.
    My dad says that I might be, and that he thinks I have depression (I do..)
    But I still haven't gone, because of money issues.

    What should I do? 

    That's allEnjoy hating
  2. Oh sorry biut tgar wrong thread

    Maybe your friends parets are physiwhat-duh-tha? :/
  4. Bout* that*
  5. Pretty dam n sure it's pham
  6. Sadly, no. But I'd be lucky If they were, huh?

    I did not understand your words, tswift

    Hi jackky
  7. NO Mr. FoxI beat you with stick -Beat Beat-
  8. What does bipolar mean again Phammy Tam Tammy? ._.

    I forgot. >_<
  9. Go doctors by yourself or with a friend 
  10. It's where you switch back and forth between happy (mania) and depression. The "switches" can last from days to weeks to months
  11. I'll consider that, sec. Thanks
  12. Oh... I'm bi-polar I guess? :/
  13. I haven't been diagnosed...Well I diagnosed myself according to the information I have from my friend(who's mom is bipolar
  14. Pham I beat you with a dildo *beat beat
  15. Is being bi-polar temp or perm?

  16. And scares the crap outta me),