It's Quiet

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 19, 2019.

  1. Oh :c
  2. Jk, what’s up
  3. I need to sleep is what's up. Tell me a bedtime story pls
  4. Once upon a time there was a forumer named Wednesday. Wednesday searched far and wide for her soulmate but alas had no luck. People would offer to rs her to fill void but none could meet her standards. Then one day she happened to find herself in the forest of reflection. “Where will I find I my soulmate?” She asked aloud. Along a breeze she received an answer, “The one who can claim your heart and make your soul feel light as air is none other than your self. For as the saying goes, ‘Love yo self’.” Wednesday lived happily ever after while spreading this lesson across the great land of pimd forums and making the world a little brighter.
  5. It usually gets quieter around now cuz everyone who normally doesn’t shuddap ever stops using forums or sleeps
  6. Throw your phone out the window
  7. This is beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye.
  8. How rood of them
  9. You’re welcome
  10. My favorite bed time story.
  11. Horrid but original so I guess you pass
  12. Sorry blood sister, I've been working everyday for the past 6 days. I work again tomorrow then I get two days off, thank goshness.
  13. Man I feel like I haven’t seen your ign for awhile
  14. Ik! I've been MIA asf
  15. beautiful
  16. I'm late but hai cutie.