It's Booty Time!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HAA_Soldier, Dec 3, 2016.

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  1. IDC what race, religion, or age you are. Everyone has a booty. So describe yo boooty!!! IT'S BOOTY TIME!!!
  2. You thirsty af. Does stalking the rs thread no longer help your thirst?
  3. Go away jaco.
  4. Lel took him 3 tries to get a bb code right
  5. I'm thirsty? Oh, you weren't sayin dat on da selfie thread tho. "Oh, Jaco, we might hit it off, buhh Imma catfish" I never stalked anyone, buhhh fo you, I wouldn't even breathe in yo toxic air lmao
  6. Did it fail? Did it REALLY, PAL
  7. Still waiting on ss, you just keep making things up scrub 
  8. Took you once to tap out of dat wrestling mat after getting pinned tho. (Insert smirk emoji here)
  9. I sent you ss on social media, why you no look at it?
  10. You have never pinned me lol. Jaco 6/7f
  11. I don't have social media dork
  12. No, you continue, big fella
  13. Awww, mo lies from you? Baby momma, I love it when you give me petty love taps cause you kno you're wrong xoxo, baby girl lmao
  14. Uhh.. I'm a guy. This getting freaky
  15. I haven't pinned you? Oh, buhhh I've unloaded on you? I've done both
  16. Lmao, now you're a guy? Da lies you tell. My shoe fits all
  17. eww you'd creep on little girls and boys? GET OUT OF HERE.
  18. you want ss ?
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