It's been nearly ten hours

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Of writing and I've only written around 3,700 words. Allegedly, authors should be able to write 1000 words per hour. What am I doing w my life this should not be taking this long someone cure me
  2. *gives you a vegan matcha kitkat* heal my friend
  3. You are too kind. You can be the cleric of our battle squad
  4. Great stories take time to be written. If you are putting everything into your writing, you shouldn't rush it because there are guidelines that you believe need to be followed. A writer isn't defined by how many words they can write in a certain amount of time. All that matters is if your writing can move the reader.. its intended audience. You'll do a great job, I know it.
  5. People that make weird ass "requirements" like that are usually very pretentious. Quality > quantity
  6. Thank you, you are berry sweet. I just like looking at other authors like nora Robert's and Stephen king (neither of whom I like but they are both book writing machines) and wanna be like dem. Staying on pimd the whole time I am writing is probably not helping.
  7. I will replenish everyone's health, victory is ours
  8. True. Thank you for your encouragement ?
  9. Huzzah
  10. I'm sure you are doing great! Keep it up
  11. Nice username.
  12. Do you have a creative space that you use for writing? When I was freelancing as a journalist, deadlines were the bane of my existence and I'd get writers block, until I created a little space ONLY for writing. Tbf, it was just a walk in closet, but I made it cozy and when I was in there, I was focused. Getting outside is wonderful for the creative mind too, if you have a favourite hiking trail where you can go off path? And the other are right, quality over quantity. Good luck! 
  13. I would like a space specifically for writing but there's no room for it in my apartment, really :/ I've just been sitting on my bed zoning out every few minutes and then reminding myself to write things
  14. Thank you
  15. Just get rid of all distractions. Honestly, it's going to be tough, but if writing is your priority.. you'll have to make some sacrifices. Otherwise you're going to wind up writing pieces here.. pieces there, lose inspiration/motivation. And while you do that, time keeps on ticking. Next thing you know, hours have passed.
  16. Sounds silly, but you could make a fort? Use chairs or your dining table, throw a sheet over, fill with cushions, pillows, blankets. Hang some fairy lights, have a little tray with tea and snacks within reach so you don't have to get up, low volume music (genre depending on the mood of your writing, I zone out mostly but find a word will jump out at me from the lyrics and give me a boost sometimes), and put your phone on flight mode. Don't think about the time, don't even look at the time or you'll feel pressured. These are just tips that work for my daughter (she has the fort for drawing) and I. Hopefully something works for you. ??
  17. My cat just took down a spider like the mighty huntress she is. And by took down a spider I mean she jumped higher than my knee in fright and made me deal with it
  18. Oh, I like this idea. I am actually going to try this on the next day I decide to sacrifice to just writing
  19. All hail kitty kat.