It’s a gc guys

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Seriously, May 13, 2019.

  1. Add me to join. Simple.
  2. What kinda gc though. I like themes
  3. Uh well rn we’re talking about a game ?‍♀️

    There’s only like 5 people
  4. I have a rp gc with da devs on Thursday’s
  5. You lied to me you said it was against your religions you sinner
  6. Plz don’t expose me you weeb
  7. Is this a new cult in the making?
  8. Wait I like cults I will drink the kool-aid
  9. There are group chats? ?
  10. You asked that question on another thread 
  11. We should make a group chat w just us two
  12. We could call it the Goofy Goober Squad or something like that. ?
  13. Invite me so I can lurk. :3
  14. That’s what I’m doing tbh 
  15. A mysterious gc with no name and unspecified people? Sign me the fuck up
    -_A_-CareBearCrystal likes this.
  16. O, I wanna lurk a GC ?
  17. Bump. Looking for more forumers if possible