Is Love A Lie

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CandyCaneTomBoy (01), Aug 31, 2011.

  1. I had been in "love" three times. Each time I had been cheated on, and I feel like I should just kill love, reject all passion. I had been lied to, and sometimes abuse my boyfriends. Every time I see a couple, the few peices of love in me, gets smaller, and, I feel jealous. Should I give up love, I had never met someone with a stable relation ship, my dad fed when my mom was pregnant, my aunt got divorced and tried to commit suicide, now she is in rehab. What should I do? Should I beileve it? Love? Passion? Or is it lust?
  2. The pie is a lie
  3. I don't understand why people can't take the hints the first time and not fall into the trap the second time. I don't understand how you've been cheated on and abused 3 times and each time you were in love? Why let people treat you like this..?
  4. They all lied to be making be feel sorry for them.
  5. I'm really sorry that has happened to you and I'm sorry if I sound soo insensitive. But idk what to tell you.

    And to answer your question, love is most certainly not a lie.
  6. Impressed, it's not as easy as that. People almost always put their best foot forward first. It can take days to years for their true colors to show. Trust me.
  7. And when my sister died, Brian helped me then we started going out, and he started abusing me so I was scared to leave him, then he cheated on me...
  8. I guess. I've just never really experienced that and I'm so naive to think it won't happen to me.
  9. It might not happen to you, it happened to alot of people. But somtimes people get lucky, but I'm not one of those people
  10. I don't understand why people can't take the hints the first time and not fall into the trap the second time. I don't understand how you've been cheated on and abused 3 times and each time you were in love? Why let people treat you like this..?
  11. Anyway, love isn't a lie. Sometimes you have to go through a lot of heartbreak and betrayal before you finally find "the one." And when you finally find them, everything you went through makes you appreciate them all that much more.
  12. Whoops. My copy button failed me.
  13. Basically, you may feel broken down and mistreated but heartbreak does happen. If you want to be able to answer the question "Is love a lie" yourself then you must get back up, move on, and experience it.
  14. The only person who has been there for me that I really know is by bet guy friend Nathan, he is so sweet. He is really helping me :)
  15. Well that's good hun.
    Who knows, maybe something will develop between you two. My girlfriend was my best friend for several years before we started dating. But even if something doesn't develop, at least you have someone there for you. 
  16. Move on... I can't really, alot of things I can't move on from, when I was raped, when my aunt tried to die, my sister dieing, getting abused my my mom...
  17. Moving on isn't the same as forgetting. You will never forget, however you will be able to move on. Take what you've been through, and make it turn you into a better person. Make a vow to yourself that you will never hurt others the way you've been hurt, because you know how it affects you, how the feelings linger.
    Keep the positive aspects of life in your mind at all times, such as your best friend being there for you. But what you really need is time. Time heals all wounds, even if there may be a scar left. Make peace with that scar, see it as a learning experience in your life, but don't dwell.
  18. Thanks....  An about Nathan, I really like him, but he has a girlfriend But we are good as friends! Thanks I feel alot better, but that scar, it might tale some getting use to :)
  19. And it will take some time. I was abused 4 years ago and every once and a blue moon it'll get to me a bit. But it does get better.

    As for Nathan, at least you have him in your life now in some form. But who knows what the future may bring.
  20. Love isn't a lie people go for what they are accustomed to. You've only know abuse and you keep picking guys like that. You have to break the pattern. My first boyfriend I was never in love with but I dated him for two years (I was young and didn't know what love really was.) He cheated on me. We lived in different towns I never knew till after we broke up.

    Boyfriend number two abusive, rapist, and manipulative. He was good at manipulating someone. We only dated a month I'm not an idiot.

    Boyfriend number three the winner of douchy boyfriends. Spent 2 years chasing me while he was married to his ex wife. He was an epic liar and manipulator. He was also a police officer. He got divorced and we dated for 2 years. Abuse in the most subtle of way to make you feel like it was all your fault mostly psychological. Also a rapist, cheater, thief, liar, and all around douche.

    Last and final boyfriend true love not abusive has baggage we have to deal with and not a morning person at all. He tries and is a good guy.

    Moral of the story you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince and don't settle for less. He abuse you you leave.