Is it really that big of a deal?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by NurseBecky, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. So I was reading through Apple news this morning, and saw an article that I feel like I’ve seen too many times before. Apparently people are angry or upset because celebrities are posting pictures and comments about waiting out this pandemic, but in the comfort of a mansion, a vacation home, an island, a yacht... you get the picture. I saw words used to describe this such as “tone deaf” and “grotesque” and I have to ask, is it really that serious?
    The way I see it, those people worked for that money.. and worked for that life.. they made a career choice, they took the necessary paths to get to where they are to live the life they have. (Even in the case of inherited money, SOMEONE worked for it) in my mind that comes with its perks, like in the case of a pandemic you and your family have a beautiful home in a beautiful place filled with food and access to anything you might need. That’s a life they worked for. So it doesn’t make sense to me that people who didn’t work for that are upset that they don’t have it? Like it’s not fair that they’re waiting out this sickness in a shitty appartment somewhere because they don’t have the same resources. I live in a suburb in a shitty place, staying at home everyday with a baby, while my man who has an essential job has to go out and risk getting sick everyday. Buts that’s the life we chose. And I don’t feel in any way upset that someone else out there has more than me. So should people who made it their mission to set up themselves and their family with money and comforts hide what they have and pretend they’re suffering as much as someone else?
    Anyone else have an opinion on this?
    BlissfulBubbles likes this.
  2. All I really heard from this was 2 points.

    1. Poverty is a choice.

    2. Rich people earnt their stuff so you can't call them out of touch.

    3. Them being out of touch is not a big deal.

    4. I identify as (the working poor?) yet I still respect rich people and the work they did for their financial and physical security and I think they can totally relate to people living on the razor's edge of homelessness, poverty, being completely susceptible to a deadly virus without the money for health care, and we should really be thanking them for their supportive words.
    Their self isolation = their self isolation. We ALL need to show strength in this time and we need to hear it from them.

    I think you're right. It isn't a big deal. I wouldn't expect the messages from any people in relatable conditions to be spread as far and wide as those from famour, rich, and successful celebrities. I think that the backlash to these messages comes from their perceived image being that of a cheap donation. They are rich. They can send us money but they send us our words. I'm sure many poor peoplr absolutely love Will Smith and wants to see him and his family doing well sharing love.

    Those are what are normally called class bootlickers. The right-wingers who love their capitalist overlords.

    On the other side are the jaded poor commies who stand up for themselves and do not need to hear from privileged fucks about their groteque charade of "struggle". They don't know what it means. Their times are easy. Instead of lying to appear relatable, they should be talking about their privilege and sharing their wealth to support the poor.

    In such a deep crisis, this issue becomes divisive because one group of people is seriously struggling and are frustrated at these "Tone deaf and grotesque" "relatable" "supportive" videos. They may be angry. They are being let down by their capitalist system in many ways more than one. Deep, throughout society, the flaws of capitalism are showing and cracks have been formed by this virus. The coming economic recession looks like it will be worse than that of 1920.

    The faces of the rich, who benefit from this system, should not be in the faces of the poor to patronize them. They will be angry.

    And then there are people who just want to say how well they are doing and how much they are struggling and how if you try hard you will come out on top. How the celebs are nice and we should be thankful for ANY contribution they make.

    Do not mistake these times for business as usual. We're on the cusp of a third world war. L
  3. I respect most of what you said. I don’t think people with money should be expected to or required to shell out portions of their wealth to anyone if they don’t want to. Now the good and decent people will, but not everyone is good and decent. If I personally was in a financial position that I could help people at this time, I would.
    On the same subject though I don’t use social media. I don’t have facebook or twitter or instagram because I have no desire to show off my life and the things I’ve worked for, nor do I care about anyone else doing so.
    The main point I was making here is that we all know celebrities have nice things, they don’t need to hide their things, they’re allowed to show them off, and the people following these celebrities on different social media platforms are doing so because at some point they enjoyed seeing their lives play out. So why is it that now when times are hard and people are stressed they’re getting angry and upset over seeing the things they followed these celebrities to see in the first place? That’s what I don’t get.
  4. I don't think the outraged community are the ones who follow the celebrities.

    The outraged ones are left-wingers.
    The ones who follow celebs are boot-lickers.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Ok.... but the people who are outraged are the people seeing these posts, so they’re the people who are following these celebs. The people who don’t follow celebs aren’t outraged because they don’t know what the celebs are doing or saying? We don’t have to start grouping people together and name calling, it doesn’t have to be so hateful lol
  6. You can see their content without following them.
    And people don't always have such personal connection with the people they follow on different social media accounts.

    Some people follow channels to laugh at their ridiculous self-parodying content.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. I don't think it's a huge deal that they're just telling everyone to be strong/spreading positivity. I disagree that they earned their money, though. Becoming grossly rich is almost entirely based on luck, particularly hollywood celebrities, which is mostly the people posting these messages. They don't work nearly as hard as the rest of the world and make way more money than they could ever spend. The idea that anyone deserves a million dollars is hilarious
  8. Not that they deserve a million dollars, and not that they necessarily worked “hard” but I won’t ever hate on anyone for following a path that lead to money. They at some point made a career choice just like anyone else 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. The "if i can do it, you can do it" mentality is pretty stupid. Like, I'm sure if my quarantine was just like a vacation i could do it easily too.

    But here i am in my 600 sqft studio with no pool.
  10. My thinking on it though is that I find it silly for anyone to be angry that someone’s quarantine is more luxurious than theirs? Like I’m not mad that someone with money is isolating on an island while I’m isolating in my home. It’s almost like saying “it’s not fair that they have more things than I do” like it just seems to me that thinking someone should not publicize their situation because other people don’t have what they have is almost childish. They have gross amounts of money, of course their quarantine is going to be easier than ours. But that doesn’t mean they have to enjoy being stuck in their homes just because they have nicer homes. I just don’t understand why people are upset about it
  11. They ain't going through shit. They're padded for days. They don't have the anxiety of being raked along, getting closer and closer to the edge of a cliff.

    They aren't moments from disaster. They lack the tremendous amount of anxiety and insecurity that comes with being poor, and being reminded of just how secure some people are isca sore point.

    "No point being angry at them" cool. You're right. And I'd tell my friends and family not to. But I know others act more emotionally and are more emotionally sensitive, especially when they are anxious.

    Do you feel like this "attack on celebrities" is somehow more damaging than the videos themselves?
    Cause I think that's what we're being primed for here.
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  12. I don't dislike singular individuals, I dislike the system that made them rich. It's unethical that anyone has more money than they need to live in general comfort imo
    This_Is_Jessie, Carrie and Muschi like this.
  13. I wouldn't call getting Wiensteined working hard.

    But I also don't really give a shít how people earn their money.

    Poverty isn't really a choice, but it is a mindset that can be very hard to overcome. And it comes with a lot of feelings of hopelessness and jealousy.

    There's a big difference in being broke and being poor. Broke is temporary, poor is forever.

    Moral of the story broke. Have a plan to do better, and eventually you will. Don't be a pessimistic loser, it will make you poor.
    This_Is_Jessie and NurseBecky like this.
  14. You are clearly missing the point I’m trying to make. So I’ll try and word it differently I guess.
    I’m not trying to defend an attack on celebrities.
    I find it fucking ridiculous that anyone is “upset” because people with money are get to quarantine in a nicer place with nicer things. I think it’s even more ridiculous that so many people were so upset that it became “news”. We are stuck in our homes with our things regardless of what anyone else has or is doing... so WHO GIVES A FUCK?!
  15. I agree with you in a perfect world that wouldn’t be the case. But our worlds not perfect and it never will be. I personally feel like a happy life consists of setting a goal, working towards your goal, and enjoying what you have along the way. Because being mad about someone else’s situation won’t make mine any better 🤷🏻‍♀️
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  16. I'm not sure people are upset that their quarantine is more luxurious, just more how tone deaf they are. I honestly would love to be in their position of endless financial security, even though I also despise their social position because of it. But I've seen videos of celebs or generally wealthy people being like, "Hey quarantine isn't that bad ❤." When for many people it is. They can try to spread positivity but also be aware that they have it way easier than a majority of people do. Or do a better job at showing people they are aware of it. I think it is very easy for them to get into a bubble mentality where they forget just how rich they are because it's become so normal for them. Detached from how the average person actually lives. I'm sure it is difficult for them in their own way because no one wants to be without their friends or their family, and mental health knows no social class. But sometimes celebrities need to remind themselves that they are privileged and they don't have to pretend to be "relatable."
    This_Is_Jessie and Carrie like this.
  17. But like why does anyone have to prove to us that they’re aware that they have it better? I don’t get why we as a people feel that everyone needs to be sensitive to how everyone feels about everything all the time. Because them being aware doesn’t change anything for us. So why do we get upset that someone we don’t know isn’t being sensitive to us and our situations? And why do we set aside the time to be bothered by the fact that someone who has more doesn’t care that we have less?
  18. If they're trying to help us remain positive or uplifted, they need to tailor it to the demographic they're reaching out to. Other than that idc but if you're going to try to promote positivity for everyone and be tone deaf about it you're gonna be dragged. If you take away the politics of it, it boils down to, "Hey guys this is how to be positive!" and then everyone else being like "This isn't actually positive for us."
    This_Is_Jessie and Carrie like this.
  19. Because not everyone is as stoic as you? Why do you assume that everyone is so rational, or just think "them being rational and stoic will fix their problems so no problems exist except their poor behaviour".

    You focus too much on individuals and not enough on society and human nature. Not everyone in the world can put into practice the wisdom you've started employing.
  20. I can see that. You’re right. I still can’t say I understand why some people let it upset them though.
    And then the situations like I read this morning people are upset because Ellen made a comment somewhere along the lines of like I feel like I’m in prison with this quarentine. And people were like are you serious? You’re in a mansion, that’s not a prison fuck you. Lol and those are the kind of situations where I said people are almost angry that someone has something they don’t. That because you have a big beautiful house you’re not allowed to feel trapped in it. Or you’re not allowed to say how you feel because it’s not as bad as someone else feels. It almost makes me think we’re just getting to sensitive as a society. Like everything needs to be padded and make everyone feel good.