Hey everyone, Our latest iOS 8 build has been approved! This build fixes the copy/paste bug for iOS8 and the gift message page layout and will be available for download in the app store shortly. You may also notice a new button on the home screen. This is part of a new feature that is coming soon, and currently does not do anything if you tap it. This feature will also be available in a future Android build as well. We'll be posting more details about this new feature in the near future. UPDATE Oct 10th: There are some known issues with the version of the game, namely that the follow, unfollow and block buttons do not function correctly. There is an update pending that will correct this issue and should now wrap up all issues introduced with the iOS8 update. If you run into any further issues, please let us know!
Yep saw it this morning! Please sticky my thread Tutor Market Place. Thank you and hope you've read my e-mail?
Another bug that wasn't fixed, when openning the World chat, it starts on top of the chat, the older post. I want it back down the list in recent post ;_;z
Does this fix the third party keyboards too? Or at least is that coming soon? And mass spam like droids? Spamming one by one sucks ?