Intermittent Server Errors

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 19, 2017.

  1. And it is, when i log in,they say"Unfortunately pimd has stopped" plz fix it....i fear of logging out now.......uh...
  2. Can she have or not? Rood.
  3. appology not accepted
  4. Having a problem buying the lamb blue blossom shard avi for 1200 when I have 1200. It says I don't have enough. What can I do? Plz help
  5. Get 1 more shard and try again. If still having issues send a help ticket. Responding on a 5yr old thread aint gonna get you anywhere
    isamu and Lite like this.
  6. Also make sure you have purchased the 800 one 1st
    Lite likes this.
  7. Is the server currently down? Whenever I try opening the app, it just immediately crashes and it’s not a problem with my phone so I was wondering if anyone else is also experiencing this?
  8. I’ve been having the same issue for almost an hour!
  9. The word is crashes…so I’m thinking it just kicked you out? Can you guys explain a little more?

    From my end, it’s working fine. But I don’t want to get into a conclusion. 😅
  10. Hm…as of this moment, it has been confirmed to be true. They given out 4 lite boxes.

    it’s fixed now. 👍🏻
  11. My game is crashing where it tries to load then instantly closes, send help please
  12. Send help ticket
    isamu likes this.
  13. How would they do that when their game is crashing? 🗿
  14. The same way they got onto the game to be able to post here
    mihle21 and isamu like this.