Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -UN-Korrupt_Savage, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Your devil and its' demons, your angels and their lords,
    There is no war as brutal than one fought without swords.
    Internal and invisible, raging from within,
    and when you're battling yourself, can you really ever win?
    Arguing with silence that echoes and booms,
    Fighting with a darkness that creeps, and consumes.
    Racing thoughts becoming fiercely intertwined,
    One soldier. One enemy. One weapon. One mind.
    Does sanity drift away, or suddenly slip?
    I wonder if you could feel yourself losing your grip.
    There is no war as brutal than one fought without swords,
    Your devil and its demons, your angels and their lords.
  2. Good job!

    The number of your audience doesn't matter,
    Keep it up.
  3. I just wish I could write like this on cue and not just when I'm in a messed up mindset
  4. wow really nice  you got a talent
  5. Thank you guys for the positive feedback 
  6. Hmmmm.... Interesting. I thought this was about the insanity workout.

    But this is actually pretty good. Good job
  7. Thank you glad you enjoyed it
  8. I thought this was going to be a review about the Insanity Workout System :lol:

    Oh how was I fooled.

    Great Job :D
  9. Lol didn't mean to fool anyone
  10. Absolutely, this is an awesome poem. great, great, great work! and even though you say you wish you could do it when you're not in such a messed up state of mind, I'm sure you can. just keep trying and keep it up 
  11. I try my best trust me but nothing ever works out
  12. I'm sure many people with mental disabilities or have been through hard times can relate to this poem. I thank you all for the positive feedback as well.
  13. Did you copy and paste this?
  14. For a second i thought this was lyrics to Amon Amarth xD LMFAO... That band sucks .-.
  15. I thought this was going to be a vocaloid song. But good job!
  16. No I did not it was written a while back thought I'd share.
  17. Liked it :) have you heard this song named lose control by eminem?
  18. No but I did look it up, the only thing I found was lose yourself. Was that the song you meant?
  19. ???Loli ????