Ata said hunts wouldn't affect them throwing some in time to time yet there hasn't been any since last hunt… Anyone else miss them? Rather be in one of those then another mini hunt such as the penguin things or these fireworks.
Idk if it will change Tweaky. Prom hunt wasn't done for very long then ata had another small hunt. Now the 4th if July hunt. Ppl are already talkinh about a summer hunt. I will be shocked if no hunts go on while all the planned wars in forums are to happen also.
lol.i signed up a for a few of the ones going on and its not even about that pretty much every planned war starts some drama bs i mean look at wallaces last week, had alot of chaos. I like a balance of pimd wars and individual.
I totally agree with this. Would be great to see the beta wars aka individual wars during non-hunt times as well. There would be more participation. I love system wars too but it's not always easy to find the time to do them whereas the individual wars only take 2 hours and provide some variety. Thanks for posting this tweak