In an ehhh mood .-.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Master-Gonzo-the-Phoenix, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Not uncommon, happens often.

    But should I keep playing pimd? ._. I am losing reasons to stay.

    My current reason it this club. I think I've just been so busy lately .-. Idk.

    I suppose I'll stay as long as I can, but not that anyone really cares. Too many fail trolls and wanna be trolls .-.
    Plus, it's a bit tiring with being "friends" with so many people or talking to ppl who accuse you of things... Where they never approach you or ask you legitimate stuff.

    Ehhh, just venting .-. I guess I've always been an outcast.
  2. ? oldie pupil don't go
  3. This is like your fifth thread about reasons to stay.

    If you're really that uninterested in pimd now, leave. It shouldn't be that hard if you really dislike this game now.

    If you want to stay. Stay.
  4. You're always in an ehhh mood.
  5. I agree with Brit. If it sucks that bad, just quit. You're complaining is probably why the game sucks so bad. Say something positive or delete the app.
  6. you know what gets me off the ehh mood? PORN!
  7. watch some porn, 
  8. .-. I think I'm just on low energy right now, ya know?

    Kinda when you feel like you cannot possibly do anything.

    Then I get in a sad state ,_,
  9. You kind of remind me of Syaroan now. This sounds like the kind of depressing thread he'd make. Except his would be about whether or not he should keep living instead of whether or not he should quit the game
  10. BRIT Shut up

    You said you wpuldnt come back u are not one to judge
  11. Dan ily bro
    You know how i feel about the subject
  12. Maybe you need a 5 year energy or something, because every time you post on the forums now a days it's about how much you don't like this game now and it's depressing as fuck.
  13. Who is Brit anyway? Some random person who just joined forums recently right?
  14. I said I wouldn't come back, but I did.

    However did I come back complaining about how this game sucks? Nooooo. I didn't. Because it really doesn't.
  15. Nope.

    Been here for a while.
  16. Well then somewhat nice to kinda meet you.

    Whoever you are
  17. Nice to meet you to.

  18. Too^

    My grammar. It's awful.
  19. Naah, just a typo .-.
  20. Dan britt
    Is the know it all i warned you about

    She and pickles act like they are better and smarter than everyone else