Impress me with your culinary creations.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mousey, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. So what’s for dinner? Midnight snack? I don’t care what time you eat. Show me what you can cook!

    I’ll start with din dins.

    I’m quite a connoisseur of canned goods and microwaves. It does bring up a lot of jealousy in the cooking world. I make Gordon Ramsey cry with my culinary creations. And he’s too sulky to let me teach him. 

    I present to you le’ tin spaghetti - ala’ alphabetti’


    Amazing I know 


  2. For breakfast, I'm having:

    Cooked and seasoned chicken fetus atop thinly sliced cured turkey thigh meat, all between two baked wheat flour round buns.

  3. How is ur food words
  4. [​IMG]
  5. [​IMG]

    Because this is what you are

  6. im no expert on anything but I do know how to cook. Depending on the mood I will either cook or microwave food.

    Beef & Broocoli

    I usually start by boiling the veggies (broocoli,shrooms,carrots)
    Then i start cutting the beef to desire chewable size. Once the veggies are done I start frying the beef with green onions and add some salt, lemon and seasoning.
    About half way of cooking it, i add in the veggies. At the end I just add some chinese chili sauce on it ufff, damn giving me watery mouth just posting this but I just ate it lmao. I’m a very lazy person at times so I keep plastic & wood chopsticks for those lazy days haha.

  7. Thats so much food tf why u make so much
  8. Why you hating on my portions, let me be fat.?
  9. Being fat is bad tho
  10. Bruh if you know, you know. You’re just annoying posting anything for clout 
  11. I cant read that word
  12. It’s not even a big portion for a meal-
  13. Yum!

    That’s delicious ?

    And totally not a big portion. I want seconds even if I don’t have room I’m still having seconds.




  14. You got me with the chili sauce ?
  15. I know right haha.
  16. Thanks, I def get seconds when there is.
  17. Bomb asf
  18. I made this for Valentine's Day ?
    I don't know if it has other name in English but in my country is "Lomo Saltado".
    The sauce it's made of beef, tomatoes and onion, with soja sauce, salt, black pepper and a bit of red wine, next to that there are some simple fried potatoes and the heart is made of rice.
    Yummy! :p

  19. I made chicken nuggets for breakfast but I already ate them. I promise they were restaurant quality of course. 
  20. Yehh is that enuf food for like 2wks