
Discussion in 'Wars' started by stopfarmingsexybutts2, Jan 7, 2018.

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  1. Open farm on IlIlIllIlIlAlicia14IllIlIlllIl she is farming and hurting sexybutts2 emotionally
  2. This is important
  3. This is getting kind of sad.
  4. ? That little devil.
  5. Sexybutt cannot eat or sleep because alicia is farming her day and night and it is stressful for sexybutt
  6. Nope....

    If you're in sfw then I can say Alicia is Harassing you.

    But right now she is just farming you.
  7. Alicia is put in sfw she is not stopping please help
  8. Hmmmmm
    Then drink coffee & stay online for 24 hr
  9. Nah, just funny and annoying
  10. Alicia is in sfw she still hitting sexybutt she is being difficult help
  11. Someone get it through their thick skull, pls.
  12. Tell me honestly
    What do u want??
  14. You sound like spice girls
  16. Stop being just a weakling..

    Challenge them instead of crying..
  17. Sexybutt pup is Sf alicia and sexybutt friends are hitting her also but she still farming sexybutt
  18. Why is your name sexybutt and why are you talking in third person?
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