Important message for Ashboo friends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iDivaAmWildAndNerdy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Please help me with something. Post below, follow me, wall me, gift me anything if you are a friend of Ashboo. Or contact I_heart_the_block_button  this will be fun  contact us before Friday 12/20/13. Thanks!!!!
  2. Here's a link to methanks everyone
  3. I was about to say she's a noob....
    Dem stats.
    I laid a brick. 
  4. Don't follow her It's a trick
  5. I mean tiffy. Btw
  6. Incorrect.
    It's a he. 
  7. Lol... it's not a trick... onm......
  8. Fine follow her. It's not a trick
  9. Ummm.... Catfish? 
  10. Oh boy. Woah. Hawt. OMG. Scary ???
  11. 
  12. I'm a whale. ?
  13. mehhhh tiffy & button cant be up to anything good ?
  14. Meggy do some pretty drawing for me please. 
  15. No. Meggy is doing it for me first ?