I'm silenced 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SkyDrool, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. This sucks so bad
  2. HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaI got a jar of dirt!
  3. That sucks kylee srry
  4. Cool story bros :D
  5. Sure :3 only if it was nicer.
  6. Soeb yrots looc
  7. Loserrr whyd you get silenced ?!
  8. It said I posted sexual content somewhere
  9. Hey Kylee? o.o
  10. But I haven't posted any sexual content that I know of
  11. Bye kylee and what did u do to get silenced
  12. Wuut. Thats not cool. So how long until youre unsilenced?
  13. 24 hours this sucks so bad :(
  14. Then don't make threads stating you're a man whore and asking women to chat you because you're there for their pleasure.
  15. Oh that's y I was silenced ok
  16. Boo hoo. My alt has been PERMANENTLY silenced Five times :roll: get over it