I'm Resetting!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Azizosis (01), Nov 1, 2011.

  1. I have the rights to reset. What should my name be?
  2. Ilovewinona :D jokes az
    Ummm. How about
    Boop wants us all to have Da in our names and i like that name
  3. I'm in Ace of Hearts now.
  4. -Hearts-Azi-Azi?

    I think it's cute. 
  5. Not a good idea to reset on an A51 Aziz :roll:
  6. Imma just get 20creds. Change my name.
  7. -Hearts-Azizi

    I like that :roll:
  8. Much better idea. Kris is a good guy, sucks when you have tutors reset on you.
  9.  So? I just thought it was cute, Dan.
  10. Yes. But I'm not resetting to annoy anybody. I don't see the harm.
  11. Aziz, I think you should tell Kris first...
  12. They still lose money though. You know how hard it is to earn money, it's not any different for him. It sucks when you're forced to lose hard earned cash.
  13. Kris  I know him. Really nice guy. Used to be in a club with him. Don't reset on him please 

  14. Tough luck Azi.
  15. I used to be in the same clubs as him too.

    It's hard to earn cash, and when you lose it... The feeling is indescribable.
  16. He is a really nice guy
  17. Az please don't. I like seeing your name. Please don't.