I'm calling you out.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mandi270, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. Where are all the warriors? Eating at the Cat Cafe?

    There's a war. Lets go.
  2.  it's now?
  3. Less than an hour.
  4. ? I rather stay home than war it's chilly out
  5. Yo don't meet the 500kcs requirement anyways :roll:
  6. :lol: these cc promos everytime an organized war happens, usually weens out the party fairies.

    If you sign up for a war, stick with it. :roll:
  7. Julie is a warrior { expect brackets } [[ ]]

    Wall her
  8. Prozen bubble butt
  9. JESUS Christ if you agreed to come get your asses to the club fuck the c3x cat cafe.
  10. 3x * damn wth lol
  11. Fall side is missing every single member that signed up. Should I post the roster? :lol:
  12. Some Bernie have cancelled for legit reasons. The rest who didn't, please get to your clubs now. :)

    -NO-MrMessIsSomeGuy (6.22mcs)
    -CB-TT_BANG (5.76mcs)
    ARatherExquisiteMisfit (5.64mcs)
    -Rob10- (4.91mcs)
    FI-HoneyChile (4.66mcs)
    -TC-SFO_PlexHagen (4.25mcs)
    -NO-1_itchyTriggerFinger (3.60mcs)
    -CB-iCynLoveBabyDee (3.56mcs)
    TheZombiePrincess (3.20mcs)
    Bow_Down_2_The_Princess (2.99mcs)
    -TC-LiveStrong- (2.80mcs)
    -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_ (2.75mcs) Winter
    -ForrestGump- (2.68mcs)********
    Q_B-SkyesVanillaGotYouAddicted (2.41mcs)
    ____iNeoPoopRainbows____ (2.37mcs)
    -BCS-TheDeadGummyBear- (2.27mcs)
    CrazyReD (2.26mcs)
    -HeSmacksMyAssWhenIGiggle- (2.15mcs)
    RS_-llIllCaptainAmericallIIl- (2.03mcs)
    -Dark_Dragon_God (1.93mcs)
    _-skittles805-_ (1.89mcs)
    -MW_Mr-CooLName- (1.86mcs)
    DivineSerendipity (1.63mcs)
    -we-GeekiE-_-BestiE- (1.04mcs)
    Eu_-Te_amo-_Elvis (568kcs)
  13. Some have* have cancelled for legit reasons. The rest who didn't, please get to your clubs now. :)
  14. Whoops it cut off fall.
  15. noel is such a qt name tbh
  16. "Some Bernie" lol autocorrect makes up weird word combinations
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