:lol: these cc promos everytime an organized war happens, usually weens out the party fairies. If you sign up for a war, stick with it. :roll:
Some Bernie have cancelled for legit reasons. The rest who didn't, please get to your clubs now. Winter -NO-MrMessIsSomeGuy (6.22mcs) -CB-TT_BANG (5.76mcs) ARatherExquisiteMisfit (5.64mcs) -Rob10- (4.91mcs) FI-HoneyChile (4.66mcs) -TC-SFO_PlexHagen (4.25mcs) -NO-1_itchyTriggerFinger (3.60mcs) -CB-iCynLoveBabyDee (3.56mcs) TheZombiePrincess (3.20mcs) Bow_Down_2_The_Princess (2.99mcs) -TC-LiveStrong- (2.80mcs) -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_ (2.75mcs) Winter -ForrestGump- (2.68mcs)******** Q_B-SkyesVanillaGotYouAddicted (2.41mcs) ____iNeoPoopRainbows____ (2.37mcs) -BCS-TheDeadGummyBear- (2.27mcs) CrazyReD (2.26mcs) -HeSmacksMyAssWhenIGiggle- (2.15mcs) RS_-llIllCaptainAmericallIIl- (2.03mcs) -Dark_Dragon_God (1.93mcs) _-skittles805-_ (1.89mcs) -MW_Mr-CooLName- (1.86mcs) DivineSerendipity (1.63mcs) -we-GeekiE-_-BestiE- (1.04mcs) Eu_-Te_amo-_Elvis (568kcs)