I'm bored, help me out here

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AS_Love2music, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Umm, so since I'm incredibly bored and have nothing better to do, I'm making another forum!

    Wait  crap I have no good forum ideas.. Hmmm... *sits down on chair and crosses legs* ....

    That's it!! Okay, so there will be two topics for this thread! Omg omg you're gonna be sooooooooo excited!


    What's on your mind at this particular moment in time?!

    What's a good idea for my next thread?!

    Guys this is an original Love2Music thread, copiers you are being warned that someone might say your thread sucks
    In the four days I have been making threads, all but one of mine have been copied, even the titles haven't been changed (the copier was told they suck)

    Please respond

     dont forget! Love always beats hatred!
  2. 1:useless thread
    2: don't make another one.
  3. Knitting? SECOND X3
  4. Re: I'm bored, help me out here

    How to make an Irish rose
  5. Learn how to farm better
  6. Well that was my idea for something to do 1. Post apocalyptic America, since I'm reading the compound and 2. Corn?  and 3. я тебя люблю
  7. nice guys!!

    Softball, please do not comment on my thread anymore, thank you
  8. Could make a thread of zombie island too, it comes out tomorrow (today) :3
  9. I don't know about that sorry lol, u have an idea tho! 
  10. All well, corn is still good right? 
  11. Like I said Learn to farm better
  12. Lol that post was a waste of space softball  no thread is a waste of space 
  13. 1) why have you not replied to pm?
    2) How amazing bballkinq is.
  14. Corn is in everything! 

    Oh crap big bro. I'll do that 
  15. It is  it will take over soon... Lol jk
  16. 1)Twillight222 is irritating
    2)how to make wall art
  17. Or of how much I "love" razer259 :3
  18.  corn wars!!

    Twillight222 has stolen all of my threads, like cmon she didn't even change the titles

    Lol mama be nice
  19. Lol you guys are like a married couple. 