I'm bored and I don't wanna ask a question

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kefo, May 15, 2019.

  1. I wanna say something but just one thing and I can't make up my mind. Soooo please help me out.

    If you knew you were gonna go mute tomorrow, and blind or whatever so you can never write or communicate with anyone ever again. And your message would go to anyone and everyone you want,

    what would that one thing you say be?

    And also there's no word limit on this so feel free to write a thesis.

    Or if you can't think about something that important. What if it was like the one thing you could say in a year. Whatever. You get the point.
  2. Learn sign language
  3. This is ur message to the world? So considerate of blind people <3
  4. Fûk off
  5. Helen Keller me pls. ?
  6. can i ask God if the things he planned for me are going smoothly and my life is supposed to be this messy or did I just fûk it up along the way? if that can't work, i'd like to ask stephen hawking instead if i'll end up blind/mute outside the matrix if i am inside it hngh
  7. Tell my family, friends, and significant other that I love them.
  8. I don’t feel so good..
  9. Honestly I have a lot of unsaid things, but I’d probably go with asking them to euthanize me.
  10. Hippitie hoppitie all y'all 's opinions and views are manistream majority's property.
  11. “If you can’t say something nice, say something clever but devastating.”
  12. That’s me in a nutshell ^
  13. I mean I’ve never seen you make a “clever but devastating” comment but if you think you have then more power to ya
  14. You’re probably really ugly

  15. Am I probably really ugly too? Jk.

    Is that your new message to the world forever?
  16. i would tell them that B stands for billions and  stands for bentos
  17. Oh yes, I’m so devastated that you’ve found out the truth about my looks! Whatever will I do?! How am I supposed to live now?!
  18. Amen brotha
  19. Firstly, by not responding in an overly sarcastic way to defensively mock their comment as though it was serious when it was a joking potshot.