Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *NataliaArlovskaya (01), Feb 18, 2012.

  1. from my unannounced hiatus.
    Discuss how amazed you are that meh sexines has returned.
  2. I don't even effing know you
  3. Well whose fault is that?
    Your name seems familiar, unless you've changed it recently an I'm delusional
  4. -_- no hablo youbut I was like third gen....actually I'm not sure but I still don't know you

  5. Lolwut

    I have ne'er met you unless I have!


    But my name is Dolph and my username before this one wS


    So any familiars?

    Then tada
  6. So maybe I don't know you -.-
    I was here in the days of CheekyChloe and Azarah, assuming they still exist
  7. I may have met you!
    Azrah(I know misspelled) is still that
    CheekyChloe is now -_-ILoveBlizzy-_-

    I think that's how her names spelled.
  8. Hell ya this is where there at!

    Chloe is


    Azarah is still azarah
  9. I have it now...Azarah! BAM!
  10. omg it's cookie whom I actually remember
  11. I was here before Chloe and I still don't know who the hell you are...

  12.  but I do!

  13. Been here since June, and...

    Who the fuck are you? 
  14. You remember me but I don't remember you 