if you pimd marry me?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-13abyKnight-_-, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. I'll help you get to LCBC nd we'll smack suckas as a married couple! (girls only) lol
  2. weren't u quitting? 
  3. 

    Lol whut? =_=
  4. Vic .... 
  5. JIHI!

    Let's smack em zombies! :0
  6. Vic u were gonna quit? 
  7. I hear maisy is single and interested vic
  8. Hahaha I was joking everybody nd no I'm not quitting i was jk about that too lol
  9.  I lol'd
  10. Haha I fail I thought I was gonna wake up with like 100 comments but guess not lol :((
  11. Awwwwwwwww  how sad....

     your wall is just much cleaner than it wouldve been 
  12. This seems like an inside joke that I happen to be outside of 

    Explain it so I don't have to be empty inside. 
  13. Pimd weddings are for losers!

    Kaw weddings is where it's at ;)

    Lol jk :D
  14. I'll marry you if you make it rain ;D
