If you feel bad

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. just feel good it helps you feel better
    Kefo and DinosAreTheOldestCars like this.
  2. dont be depressed. just be happy instead.
    Kefo likes this.
  3. Having a bad day? just stop!
    Kefo likes this.
  4. I mean.. that’s fair 🤷🏻‍♀️ Fake it ‘til you make it DOES have some real impacts sometimes 😌😂
  5. No that's just dumb as fuck what kinda dumb shit is that depression is a complex human condition you can't be happy when your own brain is against you damn that post just made my dick shrivel up and fall off.
  6. You actually can stop.... the consequences that follow after are your own tho. If I am having a bad day at work yeah I can stop, pack my shit and fuck off home will I? No and if I do will there be consequences? Prolly
  7. Nah fake it til you make it does not sit right with me to me if you want real confidence you have to go down to your core and break down piece by piece what is it causing it like let's say you lack confidence because you put others above you compare yourself to em and feel unworthy faking it til u make it will not work in the long run you'll just have to learn not to put others above you not comparing yourself to them etc faking til you make it is like putting a bandaid over a infected and rotten piece of flesh you're covering but you're still rotting
  8. why you salty?
  9. That’s fair. I guess it depends on how ya see it! I’ve pulled the “fake it” for a few difficult things and it’s caused some actual healing, so it seems to depend on if it’s all a lie or if you’re genuinely wanting to change but are struggle, so you “fake” it.
  10. Idk it's just the way I am
  11. Whatever works for the people everyone has their own method and there possibly isn't a right or wrong way
    eileen likes this.
  12. Tired? Just refresh and become alert
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.